How can she support you?

Wish to book a session with Michèle or a certified Chakaura™ practitioner?

She offers LIVE in-PERSON sessions,  ONLINE Consultations and Distant Therapies with Support.

Follow this link to reach out to us:


   Michèle  is a Professional Practitioner in Naturopathic Energy Medicine and offers Chakaura™ Therapy services at the Chakaura™ Institute of S.O.UL. Educational and Clinical Centre

Book a session with her or want more information? 

Michèle offers her services from Chakaura’s 2 locations;

  • Chakaura™ Institute in Eastern Canada from June to November

  • Chakaura™ Institute  in Yucatan, Mexico  from November to May

Become a Chakaura™ Therapist & practitioner!

Peter Kolassa shares how Michèle St.Amour helped him Heal from Kidney Failure

Peter Kolassa in an interview with his daughter, Jennifer Blake, shares how Michèle St.Amour helped him heal from kidney failure. Michèle is the founder and director of the Chakaura™ Institute of Soul and teaches unusual knowledge surrounding health, life and true happiness. She his an energy management expert and unique in the field of Chakaura™ energy healing.

Welcome to Chakaura™

Dare to Make this Step

Dare Make a Change

Michèle offers so much in the way of therapeutic support and guidance from Chakaura™ Therapies, Chakaura™ Structural Balancing, homeopathic support and so on that a consult is how we suggest you begin to best decide what will serve your immediate needs the best!

She supports individuals in embracing a healthier way of Being that aligns with everyones goals.