Personal Boundaries & Gossip


by Author, Writer, Teacher, Speaker

Michèle Cleveland st.Amour

The subject of personal boundaries, responsibility to others and self as well as gossip often comes up as a topic of conversation with my clients and students.The subject of personal boundaries, responsibility to others and self as well as gossip often comes up as we head into the holiday season with all its many seemingly obligations.

What are personal Boundaries?

 An individual will define their personal boundaries by a set of guiding principles, rules or limits that are deemed….

A World Awakening: the deeper mysteries of life- Initiation, a natural process

copyright©2023michelecstamour.  by Author, Writer, Teacher, Speaker

Michèle Cleveland st.Amour

I have taught Chakaura initiate programs and been initiating people to the what Rudolph Steiner labels Higher Worlds  for many years. With a deep unusual understanding of this path, I wrote of this in my first novel Chakaura:Awakening the Muse understanding the world was headed for an unexpected universal awakening that I would offer guidance and support within.

What is Grounding?

copyright©2023michelecstamour.  by Author, Writer, Teacher, Speaker

Michèle Cleveland st.Amour